90 Day Fiance Deavan Clegg

’90 Day Fiance’ Fans Finally Find Out If Deavan Clegg Tweaks Her IG Pics

90 Day Fiance Deavan Clegg

90 Day Fiance star Deavan Clegg has finally revealed why she photoshops her pictures before posting them to her Instagram account.

Deavan Clegg has repeatedly denied the use of filters on the photos she shares on her Instagram account, but she finally admitted that she edits all of her posts. 90 Day Fiance viewers have pointed out how different Jihoon Lee’s ex-wife looks in her photos, as compared to how she looks on TV, every time she posts a picture of herself on social media.

The internet is teeming with fan posts featuring before and after photos of Deavan. The reality TV star recently laughed at a meme that showed her with and without Photoshop, and not only admitted to editing her pictures but also revealed why she tweaks them.

“When you first meet your girl and after six months,” the meme said about Deavan. She poked fun of herself saying, “When you can laugh at yourself lol,” with the hashtag “#unbothered. Deavan said she finds it funny when people compare women with and without makeup or compare professional photos to nonedits.

Although 90 Day Fiance viewers usually criticize the tweaking she does on her photos, some surprisingly agreed with her. “It’s ridiculous how some men still can’t wrap their heads around the idea of make-up and professional photography,” one viewer wrote.

“Shaming someone and calling them ugly for not wearing makeup is definitely not the larger picture.” the Utah native said. “If someone wants to look the way they want in-person or photo and are doing it for them,” she added.

Another viewer asked Deavan why she edits her photos, Deavan said, “because I like it I find editing fun.” This is the answer 90 Day Fiance fans have restlessly been waiting to hear. Let us know what do you think about her shocking confession, and watch this space for the latest 90 Day Fiance news.

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